Monday, August 11, 2008

जनता पडी है निठारी या नॉएडा के नाले मे

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प्रहलाद कुमार अग्गर्वल

Friday, July 25, 2008

प्रोटेस्ट अत क बी स ऐ

press release

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Monday, July 14, 2008

जस्टिस फॉर आरुशी

जस्टिस फॉर आरुशी
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Friday, July 11, 2008

press invit join JUSTICE FOR AARUSHI prayer meeting 12 jul 2008 sat 4:00 pm at CBSE, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 092 may 2008 sunday

From: social worker PRHLAD KUMAR AGGARWAL PH00919911099737 B58/149 GURU NANAK PURA LAXMI NAGAR DELHI <>


from parhlad kumar aggarwal +919911099737

press invit join JUSTICE FOR AARUSHI prayer meeting 12 jul 2008 sat 4:00 pm at CBSE, 2, Community Centre, Preet Vihar, Delhi-110 092 may 2008 sunday 5:00 pm plz inform widely

Dr Rajesh Talwar, who endured the ignominy of arrest for the killing of his own daughter, Aarushi, amid a welter of salacious innuendos inspired by cops and fanned by a sensation-seeking media, will finally be a free man on Saturday.

A month and 10 days after it took charge of the investigations into the murder of Aarushi and the Talwars' domestic help, Hemraj, the Central Bureau of Investigation on Friday finally mustered the courage to come out in the open with what it till now admitted only in whispers — that the teenager wasn't killed by Rajesh Talwar.

Talwar, who was arrested on May 24, was granted bail in the evening. Though he will have to wait till Saturday morning to get out of the Dasna Jail in Greater Noida, the Talwars and those who stood by them must be rejoicing in CBI's disclosure that Noida Police did not have even a shred of evidence against the dentist when they arrested him for "murdering" Aarushi.

More, the CBI also admitted that it too had not managed to dig out anything to hold the doctor.

Even as UP cops defended the arrest of Talwar, their action in arresting the dentist and the trauma he and his family had to undergo are sure to train the spotlight on the arbitrariness of police, their shoddy investigations and the media's falling for versions hawked out by investigators as truth.

CBI has now arrested another domestic help working in the same area, Vijay Mandal, stating that Aarushi was in all probability murdered by Mandal, Talwar's compounder Krishna and Raj Kumar, the domestic help of Duranis who are close friends of Talwars.

No deception in Talwar's lie test, says CBI

Admitting that there is no evidence against Dr Rajesh Talwar, the CBI on Friday said that all through his interrogation, Talwar had insisted that he and his wife could not hear anything on the night of May 15 because of the sound made by the ACs in his and Aarushi's room. The police and CBI initially rubbished this because the two bedrooms are right next to each other.

It now transpires that Talwars were not fibbing. CBI joint director Arun Kumar, who is heading the team of investigators, on Friday cited the report by forensic experts who, after visiting the spot, stated that Talwar could actually not have heard the noises on that night. They gave this report after enacting the crime scene while keeping the ACs on. This was first reported by TOI on June 21 after sources in the agency confirmed that Talwar was no longer a suspect.

The agency also said there was no "deception" in the lie detector tests carried out on him. "The first test was inconclusive but the second one confirmed there was no deception on his part in any of the responses. He also cleared the psycho-analysis test," said Kumar, even as he refrained from making any comment on the conduct of police.

But even as Talwar will be free, CBI is nowhere near getting to the bottom of the case. The agency also said that the theory about Mandal, Krishna and Raj Kumar together murdering Aarushi was based on the findings of the narco-analysis and lie detector tests carried out on all three of them. Kumar, however, added that "corroborative evidence" was still needed to back these findings which are not admissible in court.

Senior officials said that the questioning of Nupur helped them in establishing his innocence. "There were two lie detector tests conducted on her. The first one was inconclusive, but she passed the second as it was proved that she wasn't trying to deceive. She was in the same flat that night and it would have been impossible for Talwar to hide the killings from her," said a CBI official, adding that Talwar was never subjected to a narco test because he cleared the others.

The CBI washed its hands of rumours about Talwar's relationship with his daughter and blamed Krishna for spreading rumours. It was said Talwar had a difficult relationship with his daughter because he had seen her together with Hemraj. "We have not come across any such thing. Krishna is the only person who has kept talking about it and it's possible that he did this to mislead the investigators," said the official.

Talwar also revealed to the CBI during his interrogation that he had shouted at Krishna two days before the murder for mishandling some equipment and that the compounder had taken it so seriously that he wanted to take revenge on the doctor. This was apparently also mentioned by Krishna during his narco analysis.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

flowers in hand at Central Board of Secondary Education, preet vihar New

Social worker Mr. Parhlad Kumar Aggarwal and members of Naya Daur
Party, in support of these daily wage workers of CBSE, are protesting with
flowers in hand at Central Board of Secondary Education, preet vihar
New Delhi,

flowers in hand at Central Board of Secondary Education, preet vihar New

Social worker Mr. Parhlad Kumar Aggarwal and members of Naya Daur
Party, in support of these daily wage workers of CBSE, are protesting with
flowers in hand at Central Board of Secondary Education, preet vihar
New Delhi,

Under the directions of social worker Mr. Parhlad Kumar Aggarwal CBSE’s
daily vase worker’s protest going on under Gandhigiri with rose. There way
of protesting is not a violent act at all rather to make people realize
their importance they are presenting to them with roses. CBSE’s daily vase
worker’s are protesting peacefully since 21st June 2008 to get their
demands fulfilled. It came to notice they were fired from their work on
30th June 2008 while their term was due for first week of September. They
were demanding to give them their jobs back and provide them with their
complete wage of the whole year. Apart from this they demanded not to
treat them like slaves, like other workers they must also be provided
with basic facilities. Mr. Parhlad Kumar Aggarwal who is protesting on
behalf of these workers told that these workers are buying these flowers
from the money that they had kept for milking their children so that the
protest may go on smoothly in spite of these the government is not paying
attention towards this, may be because the government only understands the
language of violence (like recentlyk happened in Gujjar aandolan). Our
government should treat all the protest equally and understand the need
behind this. It must be understand that these workers are imparting their
services since 14 years, so rather than making new appointments on these
posts, why don’t make these workers permanent. Rather our government
system is promoting contract system of working labor; the basic reason for
this is the illegal way of getting money with the mean association of the
contractors and the concerned officers. Government need to ban this
contractual system considering it a bounded labor system and as soon as
possible apply the system of equal pay for equal work so that frequent
committing of suicides and deaths because of huger may be stopped. These
workers are not bagging rather they are demanding deserving rights and
protesting against government rules since long time by applications. Now,
finding no other way, they have to choose the way of protesting which is
again not violent rather a complete peaceful protest and for this their
way is presenting flowers to the concerned officers. In spite of being
hungry by themselves they are sending their petitions to the government
along with flowers and doing candle-march to show light to the government
which has sunk in darkness, in bright sunlight. In spite of this, Human
Resource Development Ministry and CBSE are not ready to accept our demands
and are not ready to talk which is clearly evident of the fact the our
democratic Indian government is violent rather non-violent, and this is
completely unconstitutional.

and concerned
photographs and press-release may be obtained from our blogs for
publication purposes.

FOR protest PHOTO and hindi release /7368539@N02/